Truly Green Pest Service

+1 (816) 377-2811

Bold Jumping Spider

Jumping Spiders

Bold jumping spiders can be found in a variety of habitats, where they live on tree trunks or under stones and boards. 
They sometimes form overwintering aggregations numbering up to 30 individuals. In northern parts of range, they reach maturity in spring and are active through summer, the adults are found year-round in central and southern states. 

How to Get Rid of Jumping Spiders

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Ground Spider

Ground Spider

Ground spiders are a group of spiders that live and hunt on the ground, rather than spinning webs. They have long legs and a flat body that helps them move quickly and hide in cracks and crevices. Some common types of ground spiders are wolf spiders, jumping spiders, and sac spiders.

Ground spiders are usually harmless to humans, but some people may find them annoying or scary.

How to Get Rid of Ground Spiders

f you want to get rid of them, you can try some of these methods:

- Seal any gaps or holes in your walls, doors, windows, or floors that may allow spiders to enter your home.
- Vacuum your floors and furniture regularly to remove any spider webs, eggs, or debris that may attract spiders.
- Use sticky traps or glue boards to catch spiders that wander around your house. Place them near corners, baseboards, or other places where spiders may hide.
- Spray insecticides or natural repellents around your house to kill or deter spiders. You can use products that contain pyrethrin, permethrin, or diatomaceous earth, or you can make your own repellent with vinegar, peppermint oil, or citrus peels.
- Keep your outdoor area clean and tidy by removing any piles of leaves, wood, rocks, or debris that may provide shelter for spiders. Trim any overgrown plants or bushes that may touch your house or windows.
- Avoid leaving any food or water sources outside that may attract insects that spiders feed on. Cover your trash cans and compost bins with tight lids and clean them regularly.

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Cellar Spider

Cellar Spider

These spiders hang upside down in their webs in dark cellars, garages and other buildings and prey year-round on insects and spiders. Urban legend has it that their venom is among the deadliest of all spiders but that the weak mouthparts keep them from injecting a lethal dose in humans. While it is true that the chelicerae are too small to puncture human skin, the venom is not particularly potent. 

How to Get Rid of Cellar Spiders

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Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae, which are known for their agile hunting skills and excellent eyesight. They do not spin webs, but rather chase down their prey on the ground or in trees. Wolf spiders are usually brown, grey or tan, with dark markings on their back. They have eight eyes arranged in three rows, with two very large eyes in the middle row.

Wolf spiders are not dangerous to humans, but they may bite if provoked or threatened. Their venom is not very toxic, but it can cause pain, swelling and itching. Some people may also have allergic reactions to the bite. To prevent wolf spider bites, it is advisable to wear gloves and long sleeves when working outdoors or in areas where they may be hiding.

How To Get Rid of Wolf Spiders

To get rid of wolf spiders, you can use sticky traps, vacuum them up, or spray them with insecticides. However, you should also consider that wolf spiders are beneficial predators that help control pest insects in your garden or home.

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