Ticks can spread disease organisms that can ruin your life forever. They can cause long term illness in pets and humans. However, not while Truly Green Pest Service is on watch!
Ticks need a host , better known as a blood meal. The host can be an animal or human. Avoid trails that may harborage ticks.
As mentioned in the Mayo Clinic, tick bites are harmless most of the time, in most cases causing only minor symptoms like redness, swelling or a sore on the skin. However, some ticks can transfer bacteria that will produce diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Ticks attach themselves for a length of time, after which drop off their host to lay eggs. They require a blood meal at each stage of life in order to grow. The female tick must engorge herself with blood to obtain the nourishment required to generate the thousands of eggs she lays. Despite the large number of eggs produced, only a small percentage will likely make it to maturity.
Ticks tend not to embed their overall head into a host, only the mouthparts. To keep the blood from clotting, the tick will inject an anti-clogging solution.
Important Note: At Any Time You develop a reddish colored rash around the site of a tick bite, suffer arthritis-like discomfort in a single or more joints or perhaps have flu-like symptoms that come and go after just recently being bitten by a tick, the CDC suggests that you simply see your physician.
Our experts at Truly Green Pest Service are trained and experienced to take care of ticks and various other pests. They'll be able to inspect your yard free of charge and develop a tailored plan for treatment dependent on what they find.
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