Harvester ants collect seeds as their primary source of food. They get their names due to this behavior. They have been known to sting especially in an urban setting. Because of their harvesting habits they can leave bare spots in the lawn as they remove all vegetation from around their nest. There are twenty speicies of harvest ants. The most common Harvester ants are the California Harvester Ant, Florida Harvester ant and Florida harvester ant. All ants except the Florida Harvester ant are west of the Mississippi river.
Harvester ant nests are easy to locate by looking for bare soil areas. Mounds should be treated during the hottest part of the day or when the ants are least active outside of the nest.
Workers, depending on species, are about 1/4 to 1/2 inches long, and range from red to brown and black in color. They have a two-segmented pedicel (the attachment between the thorax and abdomen), and most species have a pair of spines on the top of their midsection. Many species also have long hairs on the underside of their heads, which is beard-like in appearance
Mounds can be successfully treated using appropriately labeled ant baits, but if a harvester ant infestation is suspected, it is best to contact a licensed harvester ant control professional.
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